dimarts, 10 de juny del 2014

4th ESO Project: Tourist Interview

Excuse me, do you speak English?
Do you have a minute? We are doing a project for school.
Could we ask you some questions please?

Where are you from?

Is it the frist time that are in Spain?
No, but is the frist time we stay in barcelona.

How did you come here? By plane, ship or train?

Why are you in Barcelona?
Because is very beautiful

How long are you going to stay here?
5 days

Are you travelling  with family or friends?

What haveyou visited up to now?
Sagrada familia, Parc Guell... 

What  do you like the most?
Modern buildings

Have you bought any presents?

How do you get around in the city, by underground, car, bus or on foot?
Blue line and foot.

Do you know any words in Catalan or Spain?
Porfavor, el baño i gracias.

Have you tried any typical Spanish or Catalan foot?
Yes, fish, pa amb tomaquet and paella.

Do you think Barcelona is expensive?
It is the same of Germany

Do you see any differents from your contry?
Yes, the buildings and the weather.

Is there anything you don't like?

Would you recommend Barcelona to your family or friends?

Will you come back again?
Yes in 2 or 3 years.

Thank you very much for your time!!
Enjoy your holidays

My best experiences in Berlin

I went to Berlin at Tuesday 22 of April and the same day I took a bus to Barcelona Airport. When I take the plane (was my first time) I'm frigthened when the plane took off. When I arrive to Berlin, I took the bus and I go to the Hostel. In the five days that I was in Berlin, I visited much museums of history, a buildings withstand of the II Mundial War.

dimarts, 3 de juny del 2014

Describing a photo

This photo is the presentation at the night of the Olimpic Games in London, 2012. In this picture, I look very much people in this event because this professional athletics are of all around the world. 

This picture has been very colours with the lights of the stadium, with the fireworks, with the dancers... I see who this state is very big and will be more than 100,000 persons. Watching the picture, you can feel the excitement of the audience.

dimarts, 8 d’abril del 2014

A World Heritage Site

The island of Laurisilva of Madeira

The Laurisilva of Madeira is an outstanding relict of a previously widespread laurel forest type. It is the largest surviving area of laurel forest and is believed to be 90% primary forest. It contains a unique suite of plants and animals, including many endemic species such as the Madeiran long-toed pigeon.

diumenge, 2 de març del 2014

I can talk about music

The Beatles are a band from Liverpool, UK. They are well known in 1962 for the single «Love Me Do». This single went to number 1 in the United Stades singles chart in 1964, and their first album  «Please Please Me» sold over 255.500 copies in the first week.

The group are: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.

I can talk about sport

Talk about football. This is my favorite sport since he was small as well jugaba on a computer. My favorite team is Real Madrid CF from as little wear the shirt I loved this coat because it makes me feel alive.

 This classification is Real Madrid CF in the UEFA Champions League is the highest title that can achieve a team in this tournament, s'enfrenten the best teams in Europe.  

Here we have the group stage

Real Madrid won a match against Galatasaray AS. Cristiano Ronaldo, Karim Benzema and Gonzalo Higuaín scored the goals. This meants they are still top of the table.

A love film I like

Title: Valentine's Day

Year: 2010

Director: Garry Marshall

Actors/Actresses: Jessica Alba, Kathy Bates, Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper, Eric Dane, Patrick Dempsey, Hector Helizondo, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, Topher Grace, Anne Hathaway, Ashton Kutcher,
Queen Latifah, George López, Shirley MacLaine, Emma Roberts, Julia Roberts, Taylor Swift,
Taylor Lautner & Carter Jenkins

Nationality: British

This film is about a diferent couples that was Valentine's Day, because they want make your partner happy in this day. 

dimarts, 11 de febrer del 2014

What do you think about Shakespeare?

Have you seen any of his plays?
I have never seen any Shakespeare play because I never had the opportunity.

Have you seen any movies based on Shakespeare's plays?
Yes, when I was little "The lion king".

Which play would like to see the most and why?
The story of Romeo and Juliet because it is very famous and very interesting.

dimarts, 4 de febrer del 2014

Love Song

John Newman - Love Me Again (2013)
The kind of love to this song is a boy loves a girl.

Know I've done wrong, left your heart torn
Is that what devils do?
Took you so long, where only fools gone
I shook the angel in you!
Now I'm rising from the crowd
Rising up to you!
Feel with all the strength I found
Is nothing I can't do!

I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
It's unforgivable,
I stole and burnt your soul
Is that what demons do, hey?
They rule the world worst that me
Destroy everything,
They blame on angels like you, hey!
Now I'm rising from the crowd
Rising up to you!
Feel with all the strength I found
Is nothing I can't do!

I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
Uh, uh, uh, uh!
Oh, oh!
Told you once again,
Do this again, do this again, oh!
I told you once again,
Do this again, do this again, oh, oh!

I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again?

Sé que he fet malament , va deixar el seu cor estripat
És això el que dimonis fa ?
Et va prendre tant de temps , on només els ximples han anat
Vaig negar amb l'àngel en vosaltres !
Ara estic passant de la multitud
L'augment depèn de vostè !
Siéntase amb tota la força que vaig trobar
No és altra cosa que no puc fer !

Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
És imperdonable ,
He robat i cremat la teva ànima
Això és el que fan els dimonis , eh ?
Ells governen el món pitjor que em
Destruir tot ,
Li tiren la culpa als àngels com tu , ei!
Ara estic passant de la multitud
L'augment depèn de vostè !
Siéntase amb tota la força que vaig trobar
No és altra cosa que no puc fer !

Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
Uh , uh , uh , uh !
Oh , oh !
T'ho vaig dir una vegada més ,
Feu això una vegada més , fer-ho de nou , oh !
T'ho vaig dir una vegada més ,
Feu això una vegada més , fer-ho de nou, oh , oh !

Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?
Jo necessito saber ara , sé ara
Em pot estimar de nou ?

dimarts, 21 de gener del 2014

Love quote

This photo not have author, I found on Internet. I like this photo because it reflects the love between one person and another, and this is true love.