dimarts, 15 d’octubre del 2013

Multiple Intelligence Test

I'm very happy with the graphics, as I love music and I like the logic, rather mathematics. My kinaesthetic also stands, my linguistics is not so high and my smart image and my nature is very the same.

The animal in me

I like the results of the test, as the wolf I identify with myself, always serious, always with high defenses and protecting his flock.

diumenge, 13 d’octubre del 2013


My idol is my father. He has proposed that all his life he has obtained, he worked very hard with my age to buy your dream, like me: have a Rieju. Many did work, he met my mother and I was born and then my sister. My father was very good, as he attempts to help you in everything and in the end he succeeds, I think the best dad in the world.